Compass is a powerful, KLARF based, analytic tool, designed to help you analyze and visualize defect inspection results to increase productivity and yield.
Compass offers an automatic alert system which identifies in real time values that do not meet the range of production specifications, for example too many defects per wafer/lot, and triggers an alert that includes an e-mail notification notice.
Compass is equipped with a range of functions enabling the user to review and display standard data files generated by inline inspection.
- Drill Down Chart - allows the user to select and display a subset of the current data set, based on various defect attributes.
- Rapid Classify function - allows the user to manually sequence through all defects with and re-classify them based on the defect image.
- Die Zone Analyzer - allows the user to classify defects based on the defect’s relative die location.
- Defect Adder Analyzer identifies defects that are proliferated to subsequent process steps.
- Cluster Analyzer - identifies and classifies defect clusters based on user defined clustering rules.
- Reticle Repeater Analyzer - identifies and classifies defects at the same relative location in multiple dies or reticles.
- Layer Repeater Analyzer - identifies and classifies defects at the same relative location in multiple wafers.